Posts Tagged ‘stress relief’

Wanna Dance?

September 24, 2009

I’ve found that the majority of educators I have come across are generally in this profession because they care so much about others and want to help them.   Unfortunately, this often proves to be a double-edged sword.  I love helping my students and getting their graded work back to them as quickly as possible.  I’ll spend hours trying to plan the perfect lesson so that the students will enjoy the material that they are learning.  But what about me?  Every health magazine or journal states that you have to take time for yourself.  Watch what you eat.  Exercise.  I can’t tell you how many teachers I talk to complain that there just isn’t enough time!  It’s true.  I fall into that category as well.

Make time.

Hmmm…now there is a concept.  I guess if I think about it, I have been making time to go to yoga for the past two years, and I have found it to be an extremely relaxing and rewarding experience.  I go once a week for 1.5 hours, and I am okay with giving up that much time because I can work the rest of my schedule around it.  However, this past Monday, I experienced a new form of exercise:  Zumba!  I heard about this dance/aerobics class a few years ago, but I recently found out that there is a class offered just five minutes from my home.  I checked it out, and I fell in love!  I always thought dancing was tons of fun, but who would have thought it could be exercise?  What a great workout!  I felt refreshed and alive when I came out of that class, and I know it will help me to work to my ultimate level of performance as a teacher.  So, by helping me, I guess I am helping my students.  Huh…go figure.

Check it out–here is a sample video (first one I found).